mexican magic mushrooms

mexican mushrooms magic

A mexican magic mushrooms is called Psilocybe mexicana. Over 2,000 years ago, the indigenous people of North and Central America used it for the first time. Teotlnanácatl, from the Nahuatl words teotl (“god”) and nanácatl, was called by the Aztecs (“fungus”). The French botanist Roger Heim classified this species. Using samples cultivated in his Sandoz laboratory, Dr. Albert Hofmann first isolated and gave the names psilocybin and psilocin to the active entheogenic substances from this species. Dr. Hofmann ate 32 of the cultivated mushrooms without knowing if they would retain their original psychoactive qualities. In his classic book, The Botany and Chemistry of Hallucinogens, he describes the experience as follows: As I was fully aware that my knowledge of the mushrooms’ Mexican origins would cause me to picture only Mexican landscapes, I made a conscious effort to look at my surroundings as I normally would have. However, all voluntary attempts to see things in their typical shapes and hues were ineffective. With or without my eyes open, all I could see were the patterns and colors of Mexico. I wouldn’t have been surprised if the experiment’s doctor had pulled out an obsidian knife when he bent over me to check my blood pressure because he had changed into an Aztec priest. Despite the gravity of the situation, I found it amusing to observe how my colleague’s Germanic face had evolved an exclusively Indian expression. The rush of interior images, mostly changing in shape and color, reached an alarming level at the height of the intoxication, about 112 hours after ingesting the mushrooms. I was afraid I would be sucked into this vortex of form, color, and dissolution. The dream ended after about six hours. I was unsure of how long this condition had persisted. My transition back to the real world felt like a joyful return to an old and comfortable home after spending some time in a strange, fantastic, but quite real world. This mushroom belongs to the Mexicanae genus. Psilocybe atlantis and Psilocybe samuiensis are other members of the genus. Psilocybe acutipilea from Brazil was thought by Ramirez-Cruz et al. (2013) to be a potential synonym of Psilocybe mexicana, in which case it would be the senior synonym, but they weren’t sure because the type specimen was too moldy. Psilocybe mexicana has the ability to create sclerotia, a dormant form of the organism that offers it some defense against wildfires and other calamities. Along roadsides, trails, humid meadows, or cornfields, particularly in the grassy areas bordering deciduous forests, Psilocybe mexicana grows alone or in small groups among moss. Only known from Mexico, Costa Rica, and Guatemala, it is common between 300 and 550 metres (980 and 1,800 feet) of elevation and rare at lower elevations. From May to October, fruiting occurs. Native Americans in North America have used Psilocybe mexicana for its entheogenic properties, just like several other psilocybin mushrooms in the genus. Sclerotia of Psilocybe mexicana are occasionally grown for entheogenic purposes in the West. Compared to the actual mushrooms, the sclerotia contain fewer active ingredients. Highlights Topics/Keywords Connecting to the reCAPTCHA service was unsuccessful. To receive a reCAPTCHA challenge, please check your internet connection and reload the page.  (Psilocybe Mexicana – Wikipedia, n.d.) Shop our products and categories

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